Username | tiborrr | |
Country | Slovenia | |
Submit date | 2013-06-01 12:12:49 |
Motherboard | Z77 - MPOWER | |
CPU type | Sandy Bridge (Core i5) | |
CPU (according to user) | i5 3570K | |
# of threads | 4 | |
L1 cache | 32 KiB | |
L2 cache | 256 KiB | |
Supported instructions | i386, SSE2, SSSE3, SSE4 | |
CPU clock (by OS) | 3688 | |
CPU clock (detected) | 6022 | |
CPU clock stable | Yes | |
Comment |
1 thread | 2 threads | Boost | 3 threads | Boost | 4 threads | Boost | |
i386 | 135.1 p/s | 269.6 p/s | 200% | 404.4 p/s | 299% | 540.0 p/s | 400% |
SSE2 | 369.6 p/s | 745.8 p/s | 202% | 1118.7 p/s | 303% | 1494.7 p/s | 404% |
SSSE3 | 380.2 p/s | 768.5 p/s | 202% | 1153.2 p/s | 303% | 1541.1 p/s | 405% |
SSE4 | 378.9 p/s | 768.5 p/s | 203% | 1153.8 p/s | 305% | 1538.2 p/s | 406% |
Operating system | Windows | |
Command line | unrar bench test.rar |