Username | Dead Things | |
Country | Canada | |
Submit date | 2012-10-11 08:33:44 |
Motherboard | Supermicro H8QBi+-F | |
CPU type | Bulldozer X2 | |
CPU (according to user) | Opteron | |
# of threads | 24 | |
L1 cache | 16 KiB | |
L2 cache | 2048 KiB | |
Supported instructions | i386, SSE2, SSSE3, SSE4, XOP | |
CPU clock (by OS) | 2300 | |
CPU clock (according to user) | 2600 | |
CPU clock (detected) | 4229 | |
CPU clock stable | Yes | |
Comment | 2 x Opteron 6238 Interlagos ES @ 4200 |
24 threads | |
SSSE3 | 3209.7 p/s |
Operating system | Windows | |
Command line | unrar bench -cf=ssse3 -cpus=24 test.rar |