How could you help?

By donating batteries

If you have alkaline batteries you want tested, you can send them to me (as I live in Bulgaria, shipping could be a bit problematic, but please feel free to contact me on such matters). АА/ААА cells need to be a four-pack. Contact me by the methods listed so we can arrange the shipping.

By donating money - using some of the following methods


Wire transfer:

Beneficiary: Veselin Anriev Georgiev
First Investment Bank

Please write „batterytest“ or something similar in the comment field, so that I know where the money came from.

Bitcoin address:

bitcoin 1MmHmXGWGzsC8XddYZ9ybSu8XDdHWFtZXL

How are your money going to be spent?

The finances are to be distributed evenly between these two causes: