Capacity and self-discharge of batteries «Panasonic Evolta» - detailed results

Battery photo


Brand / modelPanasonic Evolta
Alternative packagings
Date of manufactureN/A
Condition (age)Tested items are used
Low self-discharge (LSD)No
Discharge (1-hour rest)2.51 V
1760 ±1% mAh (≅2.22 W·h)
Discharge (5-day rest)2.50 V
1640 ±1% mAh (≅2.06 W·h)
~7% self-discharge
Discharge (1-month rest)2.48 V
1560 ±1% mAh (≅1.92 W·h)
~12% self-discharge
Date of measurementMay 2013


This is a test of the high-end Evolta brand of Panasonic Cells are courtesy of surfer from HardwareBG. These specimens are quite old, both technology-wise and age-wise, and also surfer had only two of them. The modest stated capacity of 2050 mAh is almost identical with the 1st-gen Eneloops. Results are also similar, which suggests that Panasonic probably contracted Sanyo to make the cells for them. Yet, in the tests, the Panasonic cells don't fare so well: the one-hour is 1760 vs 1800 mAh (Evolta / Eneloop), the five-day: 1640 / 1720 and the one-month: 1560 / 1680. Please keep in mind though, that these are only two cells and I cannot discharge them completely (due to low-voltage limitations of my device). Judging from the discharge curves, though, the difference is small. The incomplete cycle mostly affects the one-month capacity measurement, which artificially boosts the indicated self-discharge rate: the true value is below 12%.

Test results

Test chart

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