Capacity and self-discharge of batteries «Activ Energy» - detailed results

Battery photo


Brand / modelActiv Energy
Price5.97 €
Unit price1.49 €
Alternative packagings
Date of manufacture01-2013
Condition (age)Tested items are brand new
Low self-discharge (LSD)No
Discharge (1-hour rest)5.05 V
2220 ±1% mAh (≅2.80 W·h)
Discharge (5-day rest)5.01 V
2140 ±1% mAh (≅2.69 W·h)
~3% self-discharge
Discharge (1-month rest)4.97 V
2040 ±1% mAh (≅2.54 W·h)
~8% self-discharge
Date of measurementAug 2013


This pack has been donated by ropotamski, which bought them from an Aldi store in Germany.

Test results

Test chart

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