Capacity of batteries «Sony Alkaline (12 pack)» - detailed results

Battery photo


Brand / ModelSony Alkaline (12 pack)
Price2.04 €
Unit price0.17 €
Alternative packagings
Starting voltage6.33 V
Average voltage during discharge4.99 V
Measured capacity (main discharge)2100 ±1% mAh
Measured capacity (coastdown)206 mAh
Energy2.63 W·h
Date of measurement4 Sep 2014


This is the second Sony-branded pack tested here. Previously tested were a 4-pack, labeled „Sony Stamina PLUS“, which was both quite more expensive per cell, and had lower capacity, too (1980 mAh). The other obvious difference is the country of manufacture: the ones here are made in China, whereas the previous ones were from Indonesia.

The difference becomes even more clear when the two discharge curves are overlaid in one chart:

It seems then that we're dealing with two completely different sets of batteries, which share the same brand.

Test results

Test chart

Coastdown test chart

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