Capacity of batteries «Carrefour Discount» - detailed results

Battery photo


Brand / ModelCarrefour Discount
Price0.61 €
Unit price0.15 €
Alternative packagings
Starting voltage6.35 V
Average voltage during discharge4.89 V
Measured capacity (main discharge)2260 ±1% mAh
Measured capacity (coastdown)274 mAh
Energy2.77 W·h
Date of measurement6 Jun 2012


These batteries are very similar to the other ones from the same store - „Carrefour Alcaline“ - but some form of discount on the price is expected. The actual price tag varies, I bought them at 0.61€, but they are seen lately positioned at 0.76€.

Among the non-rechargeable chemistries, the Carrefour brand is the only one so far that mentions a capacity on the label. In this case, it claims 2500 mAh, which is a bit overstated (or a lower discharge current is implied). In any case, this variant is virtually indistinguishable from its „Alcaline“ counterpart (which is also labeled as 2500 mAh).

Test results

Test chart

Coastdown test chart

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