Capacity of batteries «Panasonic Evolta» - detailed results

Battery photo


Brand / ModelPanasonic Evolta
Price3.17 €
Unit price0.79 €
Alternative packagingsBig pack of 8 AA + 8 AAA for 4.92€
Starting voltage6.33 V
Average voltage during discharge5.07 V
Measured capacity (main discharge)2140 ±1% mAh
Measured capacity (coastdown)248 mAh
Energy2.71 W·h
Date of measurement29 Aug 2012


Even being branded as a reputable high-end marque, the batteries fail to justify their premium price. Interestingly enough though, in the same store (Metro) one can find another packaging - 8×AAA + 8×AA at 4.92€, which is more than two and a half times less expensive in terms of unit price per cell. Considering that one (if that wasn't some kind of a discount I didn't notice), the offer isn't bad at all - the price/performance is somewhere near the Ultralux.

Test results

Test chart

Coastdown test chart

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