Capacity of batteries «Duracell Basic» - detailed results

Battery photo


Brand / ModelDuracell Basic
Price2.55 €
Unit price0.64 €
Alternative packagings
Starting voltage6.30 V
Average voltage during discharge4.96 V
Measured capacity (main discharge)2100 ±1% mAh
Measured capacity (coastdown)127 mAh
Energy2.59 W·h
Date of measurement16 May 2012


These were one of the first cells that I ever tested, back in May 2012. The specimen was bought from Technopolis - Mladost, their results are acceptable at ~2100 mAh. In comparison, a year later I bought the same model from Technopolis - The Mall, this time priced slightly more (€2.85), and had the expiry date one year later (03-2019). The new ones performed worse, clocking around 1980 mAh. To summarize, all Duracell-related models that were tested here are as follows:

Test results

Test chart

Coastdown test chart

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